Stonelaw High School Science Department

Our Courses


Our exciting Science course covers six different topics. Learn the basics of Science in Science 101 before discovering how you use Science everyday as Home is Where the Science Begins. Finally in S1, you find out how we can create a more sustainable future and look after our planet as There is No Plan(et) B. In S2, you have the opportunity to experience life in a Stonelaw General where you will diagnose different paitents and create the best treatment plan to make them feel better. Then you have to solve a crime that has taken place in the science department as part of the Forensic Files team before finally spending A Day at the Carnival. Our BGE course covers Second to Fourth Level outcomes and the different opportunities studying science can bring. This will help you choose the best subjects for you in S3 and beyond! 



Biology is the study of living things from tiny cells to entire organisms to whole ecosystems that make up our Planet. We learn how we can use our knowledge of biology to make useful, everyday products and investigate the future of biology such as stem cell technology and gene therapy. Discover the challenges of fertility and the study of genetics within family planning. Learn the balance of our delicate planet and how animals and plants depend on each other for survival. 




The entire universe is made of chemicals. This subjects looks at how everything is made, and what happens when they combine to create new materials.





The understanding of the entire universe is the ultimate goal. Explain and understand why everything behaves the way it does. From the apple that falls to the stars that shine, we will explore a huge range of ideas together.

Working With Us

We want our pupils and staff to work together to make learning fun, interesting and a place where pupils feel safe, and where their views and ideas are listened to. We encourage asking questions.

Our Promise

We Promise to do our best to teach the course material in a way that you can understand. We will always listen to your views, and will act upon them if it will help.

Our Philosophy

Building Tomorrow Today. We want our pupils to grow into mature adults who can think for themselves, and have the confidence to lead others, as well as work with others as part of a team.